
Student Health & Wellbeing

十大网赌网站大全致力于保证学生的身心安全. 十大网赌网站大全与知识渊博的提供者霍普韦尔健康中心合作,为十大网赌网站大全的咨询中心配备人员. Find the counseling center contact information here:

Hocking College

Call 740-753-7079 安排预约. Counseling hours are Wednesday 8:30am-12pm and Friday 8am-5:30pm.

如果你想马上找人谈谈请拨打霍普韦尔危机咨询热线电话是 1-888-475-8484.

For urgent assistance, always call 911 or Campus Safety 740.753.6598

Click Here to Learn More About the Counseling Center on Our Campus Health & Wellness page

What to Do If...


  • 自杀的陈述或行为/企图
  • 杀人威胁,威胁身体伤害,攻击,或破坏财产
  • 无法沟通:
    • unclear speech
    • 思想脱节,毫无意义
  • 迷失方向的想法:
    • 脱离现实
    • rambling speech
  • 出现幻觉的:
    • 看到或听到不存在的东西
  • 极度恐慌或狂躁的行为:
    • 坐不住了
    • strong pacing
    • rocking
    • 其他剧烈运动
  • 说得这么快,很难听懂. 通常与:
    • 没有意义的陈述
    • hallucinations
    • bizarre thoughts
  • Being so drunk or high that he/she appears ready to do something dangerous:
    • 从窗户跳出去
    • 走进车流
  • Statement by the student that s/he needs help immediately.
If you are unsure if someone is in danger of harming themselves or others, 不要犹豫,拨打911, 或校园安全: 

校园安全人员训练有素,能够对你可能关心的人进行健康检查. 与其忽视潜在的危及生命的情况,还不如保持安全并感到一点尴尬.

When calling:

  • Calmly explain 紧急情况的性质,例如:
    • "I have a student who is acting aggressively toward others."
    • “一个学生刚刚给我发了一封遗书."
  • 向调度员提供个人的 名称及地点.
  • Do not 接近持枪或有攻击性行为的人,寻求帮助.


Talk to them about your concerns and the need for help. 积极倾听他们要说的话. When you talk, use a calm voice and relaxed body posture. Don't interrupt. Show that you are listening, and are happy to hear what the person has to say.

一个表示你已经理解的好方法是大声反思对方说的话:“所以, 你对此很担心,” for instance. Accept their response – don’t criticize or argue with them. 如果你认为其他事情是明智的,比如体检,冷静地解释原因.

  • Recommend going to Hocking College’s Counseling Center during walk-in hours.
  • Encourage the student to call the Hocking College Counseling Center at  740-753-7079, 了解更多信息 about receiving counseling services.
  • 他们也可以打电话给霍普韦尔健康心理健康危机热线,与一个活着的人在  1-888-475-8484,每天24小时提供服务.
  • If the individual begins presenting with crisis symptoms, 打电话给校园警察, or 911, 获取更多即时支持.


If you notice a student appears to be in distress, in a safe place, talk to them and try to understand why he/she is feeling this way. Be willing to listen with caring and without judgment.

Let the student know that you are there to talk, 他们要说的很重要, but that anything that depending on what is said, it may have to be reported for their safety and safety of others.

记住,你不需要帮助学生解决他们的个人问题. 你要帮助有需要的学生找到合格的心理健康专家.

Please note, 如果担心的学生对自己有直接或直接的威胁, 或者你认为他们可能是, (they are saying things like: "I want this to be over,”“我不想再醒来了,“我看不到目标”等等.),致电校警  740-753-6598 或者拨打911,寻求紧急支援.


学生听完后, 询问他们是否考虑过心理咨询,并解释这可能会有什么帮助. Provide information about how to access services through the Counseling Center.

如果学生愿意的话, 你可以更积极地帮助他们,在办公时间陪他们去咨询中心,或者帮他们安排预约.

你也可以打电话给咨询中心, 或者到十大网赌网站大全办公室来, and ask to speak to a counselor regarding a possible referral.

We understand that you may be interested in the progress of the student. However, we are bound by our code of ethics and HIPAA privacy laws. We cannot say whether a student is being seen here, 已经赴约了, or discuss their treatment without a valid release of information.



ULifeline是一个匿名的, confidential, 在线资源中心, 在哪里,十大网赌网站大全的学生可以放心地搜索他们需要和想要的关于心理健康的信息, 预防自杀、酗酒和吸毒.

Go to ULifeline

NAMI -雅典,俄亥俄州

你是否有一个亲人被诊断出患有精神疾病,或者你觉得他可能患有精神疾病? There is hope. 雅典可以提供帮助. You can like the NAMI Athens Facebook 页面,接收信息和公告,或留下公众意见和问题. 他们提供许多服务,包括自杀丧亲支持小组和家庭支持小组.




Addiction Center

Starting out in college produces some natural social anxiety for many students. 喝酒的诱惑是强烈的,因为绝大多数大学生发现酒精使社交更容易. Not all college students immediately start binge drinking and doing drugs, but routinely drinking to have more fun leads many students toward addiction.

If you or a loved one is in need of support, please contact the 这里是戒毒中心.



Cutting, Self-Injury, and 预防自杀 Resources

Safe Alternatives

国家认可的治疗方法, professional network and education resource base, 哪一个致力于帮助个人结束自残行为. Call 1 - 800 - dontcut (366 - 8288) or email, info@selfinjury.com,以获取寻求帮助的资讯.


特雷弗计划是为女同性恋者提供危机干预和自杀预防服务的主要国家组织, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people ages 13-24.

  1-866-488-7386 (24/7)

与特雷弗项目实时聊天(每天3点).m. - 9 p.m. EST).


十大网赌网站大全都可以帮助预防自杀. 生命线提供全天候服务, free and confidential support for people in distress, 为您或您所爱的人提供预防和危机资源,并为专业人士提供最佳实践.

1-800-273-8255 (24/7)

Veterans: 退伍军人危机热线请按1.


为任何人服务的危机短信热线, 在任何类型的危机中, 提供免费访问, 通过人们已经使用和信任的媒介提供全天候的支持和信息:文本.



A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds quickly. 志愿者危机咨询师将帮助你从紧张的时刻转到冷静的时刻.



社区资源服务于加利亚,霍金,梅格斯,摩根,佩里和文顿县. 他们有一个24小时的危机热线,如果有人需要立即的支持, 如果他们在十大网赌网站大全的办公时间不能来,或者他们觉得通过电话交谈更舒服.

通过电话,他们可以要求医院、执法部门或法律宣传和/或陪同. They can ask 了解更多信息 about community-based supportive services, or they can just simply talk about your experiences and feelings.

Advocates are there to help someone decide how they would like to move forward, 不要替他们做决定.

通过使用热线服务, 他们没有义务寻求治疗,也没有义务向警方报告他们的经历.

  1-888-597-7267 (24/7 Hotline)



强奸,虐待和乱伦全国网络. 他们的网站上有大量可用的资源,包括全国热线和聊天室.


Dating, Abuse & 家庭暴力资源

Love Is Respect

Break the Cycle, 预防教育组织, and the National Dating Abuse Hotline collaborated to create the www.loveisrespect.org website. 该网站提供在线测试,你可以从中了解到你的关系是健康还是不健康 skill building 关于沟通和解决冲突的信息,以及当你决定需要帮助时如何获得帮助. 你可以匿名与训练有素的咨询师进行实时聊天(每周7天,从下午5点开始).m.-3 a.m. EST).

如果您需要紧急援助,请拨打电话 1-866-331-9474/tty: 1.866.331.8453,与同伴辩护律师交谈(24/7).

You can also call the National 家庭暴力 Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (24/7)


A local shelter and outreach program serving survivors of domestic violence. 如果你正在经历情感, 性关系中的性虐待或身体虐待, counseling services are available to you at no cost. 持牌辅导员可在灵活的时间和保密设置在雅典, 霍金和文顿县. 我姐姐的家 also offers emergency shelter, court advocacy and a hotline that is available 24 hours a day. They are LGBT friendly and do assist men in troubling situations as well.

1-800-443-3402 (24/7)



俄亥俄大学LGBT中心为LGBT社区提供了一份资源清单. Whether it’s finding friendly housing in the Athens area, safe medical assistance as a transgender person or a gender neutral bathroom, 他们可以帮你找到你需要的东西. Stop in at the Baker Center, or check out their resources page on-line. You don’t have to be a student to hang out, find friends or get help here.



The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Youth Talkline provides telephone, 在线私人一对一 chat 和电子邮件同伴支持,以及美国各地的事实信息和当地资源. 所有的服务都是免费和保密的. We speak with teens and young adults up to age 25 about coming-out issues, 的关系问题, parent issues, school problems, HIV/AIDS anxiety, 性信息, and lots more!

(周一至周五,下午4点.m.-12 a.m. 美国东部时间周六中午-下午5点.m. EST)


他们的网站包括LGBTQ性侵幸存者的聊天室。, 按国家和州划分的资源列表, and a searchable library of freely downloadable articles.



Their website includes resources on substance use, 共病的疾病, 预防自杀及资源, 以及关于精神疾病的一般资源.




《十大网赌网站大全》为受饮食失调影响的个人和家庭提供支持,并促进预防工作, 治疗和获得高质量护理. Call 1-800-931-2237 (星期一至星期五,上午11:30.m.-7:30 p.m. EST)

ANAD: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders

每个人都有权利爱自己的身体,无论大小、形状、颜色或能力如何. ANAD旨在帮助人们克服饮食和身体形象方面的恐惧和问题. Call 1-630-577-1330 (星期一至星期五中午至晚上8时.m. EST)



“儿童帮助”全国虐待儿童热线致力于防止虐待儿童. 为美国服务, 其领土和加拿大, the hotline is staffed 24/7 with professional crisis counselors who, 通过口译员, can provide assistance in more than 170 languages.

该热线提供危机干预服务, information and referrals to thousands of emergency, 社会服务和支持资源. 所有通话都是保密的.

  1 - 800 - 4 -一个孩子(1-800-422-4453)

生殖健康 & 艾滋病毒/艾滋病资源

怀孕资源中心,On Court

雅典县妊娠资源中心是当地组织和资助的, non-profit organization that serves Athens and the surrounding counties. 他们提供各种免费服务,以满足十大网赌网站大全社区的需求,并在这里帮助您解决任何问题. 当你考虑你的选择时, trained consultants and staff will listen to your situation, assist with problem solving and help provide direction and needed resources. Please call 740-592-4700 了解更多信息.


The 雅典地区艾滋病工作队 is located at United Campus Ministry at 18 N. College St. 并可在 740-592-4397. They provide assistance of all people dealing with HIV and AIDS, 包括帮助导航医疗服务,以及帮助寻找友好的住房和处理歧视, harassment, etc.

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